Immolation Immolation - Serving Divinity

Eager soldiers will rise to your calling
Holy servants will bow in support
Father bless us, mother guide us
The spirit hears us and lights our way
Your faith will serve them well
Their faith will serve us better
They'll never question, they'll never doubt
Mold their hearts, and they'll never go astray
Give them theater, a model to follow
Show them the way to serve the divine
Give them a god that speaks to them
And give him a leash to rein them in
Blessed are they in the light
High on worship and grace
Eating all the deities up
Sweetness to cover the pain

A cult of servitude to lead them all
On a mission designed to serve one end
Your gods have misled you into the fires
With an even higher power pulling their strings

Paid for in service for one cause
In silent collusion running the show
This messenger of peace has wings of black
Depopulate the world to feed our greed
Divide the world with false beliefs to wage all wars
Conquering lives by using faith to rule them all

A cult of servitude to lead them all
On a mission designed to serve one end
Your gods have misled you into the fires
With an even higher power pulling their strings